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Bibliography: Cistercian Life

Orderic Vitalis, The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis, ed. and tr. M. Chibnall (6 vols., Oxford, 1969-80).

J. M. Canivez, Statuta Capitulorum Generalium Ordinis ab anno 1116 ad anno 1786 8 vols (Louvain, 1933-41).

J. Wardrop, Fountains Abbey and its Benefactors 1132-1300 (1987, Kalamazoo).

The Coucher Book of the Cistercian Abbey of Kirkstall, ed. W. T. Lancaster and W. P. Baildon, Thoresby Society VIII (Leeds, 1904), pp. 200-1.

D. Williams, The Cistercians in the Early Middle Ages (Leominster, 1998).

Walter Daniel, Vita Aelredi, The Life of Aelred of Rievaulx, ed. and tr. F. M. Powicke (Oxford, 1950).

Ecclesiastica Officia ch. 116 (pp. 326-8).

C. Talbot and E. A. Hammond, A Biographical Register of the Medical Practitioners in England (London, 1965).

D. Bell, ‘The English Cistercians and the practice of medicine’ , Cîteaux 40 (1989), pp. 139-73.

M. Cassidy-Welch, Monastic Spaces and their Meanings (Turnhout, 2001).

The Letters of Bernard of Clairvaux, ed. and tr. B. S. James, rev. edn., B. M. Kienzle (Stroud, 1998), ep. 1 (pp. 1-10, at p. 8).

Les Ecclesiastica Officia Cisterciens du xii siecle, ed. D. Choisselet and P. Vernet (Reinigue, 1989), 73:9 (p. 216).

Institutes, clause LII, in Narrative and Legislative Texts from Early Citeaux, ed. C. Waddell (Citeaux, 1999).

Ecclesiastica Officia

L. Lekai, The Cistercians: Ideals and Reality (Ohio, 1977).

Idungus of Prüfung, Cistercians and Cluniacs: the Case for Cîteaux [A Dialogue between Two Monks; an Argument on Four Questions], ed. and tr. J. O’Sullivan and J. Leahey (Kalamazoo, 1977), II: 52, pp. 93-4.

Patralogia Cursus Completus Series Latina, ed J. P. Migne (221 vols., Paris, 1844-65), CLXXXIX, col. 112 ff (Petrus Venerabilis, Epistolarum libri sex (XXVIII); cited in F. Mullin, A History of the Cistercians in Yorkshire (Washington, 1932).

Cistercian Lay Brothers: Twelfth-century Usages with Related Texts, ed. C. Waddell (Brecht, 2000).

G. J. McFadden, ‘An edition and translation of the Life of Waldef, Abbot of Melrose, by Jocelin of Furness’ , Ph.D. thesis (University of Columbia, 1952).

Memorials of the Abbey of St Mary of Fountains, I, ed. J. Walbran, Surtees Society 42 (Durham, 1863)

Caesarius of Heisterbach, The Dialogue on Miracles, tr. H. Von E. Scott and C. C. Swinton Bland, 2 vols. (London, 1929), I, ch. XXXII (p. 230).

J. S. Fletcher, The Cistercians in Yorkshire (London, 1919).

C. H. Talbot ‘Cîteaux and Scarborough’, Studia Monastica II (1960).

William of Malmesbury, Gesta Regum Anglorum, The History of the English Kings, ed. and tr. R. A. B. Mynors, R. M. Thomson and M. Winterbottom (2 vols., Oxford, 1998-9), I, p. 585.

R. Stalley, The Cistercian Monasteries of Ireland (London / New Haven, 1987).

A. A. King, Liturgies of the Religious Orders (London, 1956).

Les Ecclesiastica Officia Cisterciens du xii siecle, ed. D. Choisselet and P. Vernet (Reinigue, 1989).

Chartularies of St Mary’s Abbey, Dublin, 2 vols, ed. J. T. Gilbert (London, 1884), I, p. 6.

Chronica Monasterii de Melsa, ed. E. A. Bond (3 vols., London, 1866-8), I, p. 356.

Talbot, ‘The English Cistercians and the universities’ , p. 208.

B. Lackner, ‘The liturgy of early Cîteaux’ .

C. Harper-Bill, ‘Cistercian visitation in the late Middle Ages: the case of Hailes Abbey’ , Bulletin of Historical Research LIII (1980), pp. 103-114.

J. France, The Cistercians in Medieval Art (Stroud, 1998).

Aelred of Rievaulx: The Mirror of Charity, bk. II, ch. 23: ‘The vain pleasure of the ears’ , tr. E. Connor (Kalamazoo, 1990).

A Definitive History of Abbey Dore, ed. R. Shoesmith and R. Richardson (Almeley, 1997).

Meaux Chronicle I, pp. lxxvii-lxxxii.

Foundation of Kirkstall

T. Kinder, Cistercian Europe: Architecture of Contemplation (Kalamazoo, 2002).

The Account Book of Beaulieu Abbey, ed S. F. Hockey (Camden Soc., 4th ser. 16; 1975).

Annales Monastici, ed. H. R. Luard (8 vols., London, 1864-9),II, p. 337.

Gesta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani, ed. H. T. Riley, 3 vols. (London, 1867-9), I, p. 79.

J. R. Moorman, Church Life in England in the Thirteenth-Century (Cambridge, 1945).